Posts tagged ‘crystalrus’

5 Great Ideas To Use Crystal Brooches For Fashion


If there’s one thing I can say about the fashion industry these days, it is that nothing can be ruled out when it comes to accessories. With a bit of creativity, even an ordinary cable wire can be used as a make-shift necklace.

One accessory you should seriously consider incorporating more in your style is crystal brooch. It’s definitely a great way to punctuate your style or add more character to your regular ensemble all without being too flashy or too tacky.

Here are some ideas you might want to consider when using crystal brooches:

1. Use them to replace bow ties

ImageBow ties are cute but during those days when you want to inject a bit of uniqueness to your outfit, brooches are great replacements. They are even better these days as collared tops, separates and dresses are everywhere. Replace your ordinary fabric bow tie with a large bow fashion brooch that will surely be the centerpiece of your outfit.

2. Use brooches as a belt buckle

ImageSlim belts are all the rage these days. You can choose from a myriad of colors – basic whites, blacks and browns to pretty pastel colors. But one great accessorizing idea you should try is insert a brooch to the slim belt and use it as a belt buckle.

3. Tie your basic handkerchief or scarf using this

ImageA nice handkerchief or a small scarf is a great accessory during the spring or summer season. Nothing too heavy, just the thin cotton, sheer or silk ones will do. Instead of tying it around your neck with the usual knot, Use the brooch instead.

Bouquet, flower, or starfish fashion brooches add a feminine touch to a simple button up sheer sleeveless top and denim shorts. It also works great for dresses.

4. Use it as a pendant

ImageIf you can’t find a statement necklace or a statement pendant for your necklace, try brooches. The thing about crystal brooches is that there are so many designs to choose from. Remove the pendant of your necklace and use this instead.

5. Last but no least, place them on a simple plain jacket or jumper and the little brooch will transform your entire outfit.

You can also place them on a nice hat to add that little bit of glimmer.

You can choose from an array of designs such as leaf or feather brooch for the bohemian fashionistas, crown brooch design for vintage style lovers and the peace sign for the street wear lovers.Image

Don’t you just love these ideas? They can transform a drab outfit into a fab outfit in no time. What is even better is that fashion brooches are not that expensive. You can get a great design without busting the bank.



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